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Tattoo Removal Checklist


Updated: Feb 17, 2019

You may have found yourself in the unfortunate situation of needing a tattoo removed. You might start to dislike an old tattoo, or you might want to remove a new one that didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped. Your tattoo artist probably told you what to do to take care of your tattoo, but there are also some things you should avoid before you get it removed. Here are things to keep in mind before your session at Ann Arbor Laser Tattoo Removal Specialist, PLLC.

When you get a tattoo removed, you need to use proper care so that the area doesn’t get infected and so that you see the best results. There are a few things that you should do for your tattoo and skin as well as some things that you want to avoid before visiting an tattoo removal company.

Stay out of the sun as much as you can. Sunlight can lighten the colors of your tattoo. You should also avoid using spray tan treatments or using a tanning bed before your tattoo removal procedure. If you’re taking antibiotics, make sure it’s been at least 14 days since your last dose before getting your tattoo removed. Tell the technician about any medications that you’re taking as some could interfere with the laser that is used. Some medications could also thin your blood too much when the tattoo is removed.

You need to wait at least six weeks before getting your tattoo removed. Sometimes, the person who does your tattoo might not deliver the results that you expect. You might think that it will look different than it is on the skin or that it should have been done in a different area of your body. If you change your mind about your tattoo, it’s important to wait the full six weeks or longer before getting it removed to let the skin heal.

Avoid using any kind of cream or other types of products that claim that they remove tattoos. The best option is to get a technician who has the proper tools to remove the tattoo. A laser is often used for the removal process. If you’ve tried creams or other products, you need to wait about six weeks before visiting a technician for professional treatments to get the tattoo removed.

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